The conference cordially invites scholars to submit research papers for presentation consideration at the First Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics (ISAFE-2022) that will take place on 05 - 06 December 2022 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
This meeting, jointly organized by the International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics[BS1] (ISAFE), the Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts (AVSE Global), and Ho Chi Minh University of Banking, aims to bring together academics, practitioners, and policymakers sharing their research findings and discussing current and challenging issues in all finance research areas. The meeting is also an ideal occasion for all scholars around the world to present their research, exchange research ideas and experiences, and develop research projects.
The scientific and organizing committees welcome submissions in all areas of finance for presentation at the conference no later than 30 September 2022 (early submission is highly encouraged). The main topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
Asset pricing, allocation and valuation
Behavioral and experimental finance
Central banking and monetary policy
Corporate finance and governance
Financial accounting, law and regulation
Financial engineering and derivatives
Financial intermediation, institutions & services
Financial markets and market microstructure
International finance and capital markets
IPOs, SEOs, M&As & Divestitures
Personal finance and household finance
Portfolio management and optimization;
Quantitative finance and financial econometrics
Real estate finance
Small business and entrepreneurial finance
Sustainable finance, ethics and CSR
Note:As of August 20th, 2022, travellers to Vietnam are not required to take Covid-19 test before entering the country, and are not required to self-isolate. Please see more information here.
Professor Douglas Cumming, College of Business, Florida Atlantic University, United States
International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics (ISAFE) is a professional network that is primarily dedicated to the research in various fields of finance. With the aim of fostering information dissemination among researchers, ISAFE promotes the development and the enhancement of theoretical and empirical research in financial economics by:
providing support to multiple research projects;
recognizing outstanding research contributions; and
creating a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share and exchange knowledge and research ideas through the organization of regular conferences, symposia and seminars.
In consultation with conference co-chairs and the Editors-in-Chief, authors of the best conference papers will be invited to submit their papers to fast track reviewing process for a regular issue at one of the following journals: